There was never any doubt that you were surrounded by actual fans, people of varying ages that had listened to these songs on repeat until they knew every word of each album, till their throats were raspy with belting “Sun” several decibels too high. The dancing and movement on the floor simply never ceased. They were playful with crowd favorites such as “I Can Talk”, remixing in front of the throng and catching all of us sing-a-longs off guard. This is a sound quality that Two Door carries in spades when recorded, and it was stunning to watch them keep that skill as pronounced on the stage. The intricacy of bass and guitar notes, the way Kevin Baird and Alex Trimble flit across frets, was remarkably never lost in the roar. The lights wove and surged in devastatingly perfect time to the sound, never overpowering but enough to keep us all rallying and drawn to the same heading. Within three guitar notes the attendees woke up, rubbed their eyes, and went absolutely mental. Then came Two Door, charming accents blazing as they introduced themselves. A wave of shoving sent me and my friends stumbling towards the front lines with little to no effort. After their exit, the energy shifted dramatically. The openers were strange and unknown, the crowd calm and swaying to them in an only slightly interested wave. I walked into the cozy grunge of Showbox Sodo (now deceased), mild mannered and expecting a satisfactory show that, at the very least, would not disappoint me. The show had me giddy and bouncing on the balls of my feet, dancing with a child’s excitement about what was happening in front of me, what was happening to me. Seeing Two Door Cinema Club live reminded me of waking up on a crisp Friday evening and being pleasantly surprised that it was Christmas Eve.

It is highly likely I would see them again and have an even better time knowing what I know now. Their music is calming, cool, fast, slow, different, and just their own special sound. They helped me get up from stages in my life that I thought I would never get out of. I learned new music, got to hang with friends, spend the night listening to the most popular band on my iPod, and letting go. The best part of it was that we didn't know the 2 opening acts and that they were good. Friday night in the city with 2 of my friends. The concert last November was probably the most memorable concert ever because it was on. Not really sure where else they would go. The night was so memorable and I would definitely recommend them to anyone who likes alternative or indie type music. I swear he was pointing right at my friends and I. He kept looking toward us and pointed at us. The drums were ringing in my ears through tout the entire night and on to the next day. The lyrics work so well with what is going on and the lyrics are relevant to events that occur to most people. I wish I could go back there everyday to hear the sound of Two Door Cinema Club. It was almost like we were in a rave or house concert. They kept talking to us and played every song perfectly. The band was very into it and they loved the crowd. We were so happy to be there when we could see our favorite band. When I got home I was so tired I just crashed. The stage was almost gonna explode and it was so thrilling. The music was so good and it was like the best concert. Sure we were in so much pain from our feet and sweat was everywhere, but we did not care at all. But what I got was a brilliant crowd with lights everywhere and screaming at the top of our lungs. I was expecting low lights with a chill crowd. This made the experience even more special. We went for my birthday and it was the best present. I was standing only 10 feet away from the lead singer. The venue made it comfortable and was clean. The crowd was so rowdy and perfect for the concert. They were so exciting and I never knew what was going to happen next.